sks group's Privacy Policy regarding
the Register of Customers and Stakeholders

SKS Group's customer privacy policy statement
(Privacy policy in accordance with section 10, 24 of the Personal Data Act, 523/99)

SKS Group's privacy policy has Finnish and English translations. English translation is provided to make reading easier. If there are differences between the translations, the Finnish translation is the primary source.

Valid from 29th of November 2023.

1. Controller
SKS Mekaniikka Oy
Business ID: 1107282-7
Martinkyläntie 50
FI-01720, Vantaa, Finland
tel. +358 (0)20 764 5000
(later "SKS Group")

2. Contact person in matters concerning the register:
SKS Mekaniikka Oy
Marketing and Communications Department
tel. +358 (0)20 764 5000

3. Name of the register
SKS Group's register of customers and stakeholders for the purpose of processing personal data.

4. The purpose of processing personal data
The purpose for processing personal data includes the creation and management of a customer relationship or possible customer relationship, the targeting of advertising, direct and online marketing, research activities and the business development.

The basis for processing personal data is SKS Group's and customer's, or SKS Group's and possible customer's, relationship development, execution of an agreement, or execution of SKS Group's legitimate interests on the basis of any other businesslike connection.  Subcontractors and servicve providers are utilized in the processing of personal data by using servers and services provided by them. We do not disclose personal data to thirdparties for marketing or other purposes without a permission of the registered person.

5. The register can contain the following information about customers:
- First name and last name
- The person's job title
- E-mail address
- Mobile and/or other phone number
- Organisation and position
- Organisation's address details
- Permissions or forbiddances of direct marketing
- Information regarding marketing and sales promotion
- Information regarding the management of customer relationship and communication
- Information regarding research activities

6. Regular sources for information
The register is compiled of SKS Group's customer information and customer service systems, publicly available internet sources, information obtained from customers during commercial projects, and any from other public sources. Personal data is also gathered from customers and possible customers when using services such as customer service, newsletter subscription and/or when taking part in campaigns, exhibitions and events which ar connected to SKS Group's business activities. Personal data can also be gathered from the companies providing personal data, such as Fonecta.

7. Regular disclosures of information
The controller will not disclose customers' personal data to outside parties, except when actions by Finnish authorities so require.

8. Trasferring information outside EU or ETA
No personal data will be transferred outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area.

9. Retaining and removing data and the right for controlling personal data
Personal data is retained as long as it is necessary for the purpose of using such data, such as during a customer relationship. The necessity of retaining personal data is assessed regularly by taking the current legislation into account. The registered person has the right to control the personal data which has been saved into the register. The request for controlling the personal data needs to be sent to the register's contact person. Simultaneously, the registered person needs to prove his/her identity. Data may be deleted at an individual's demand or due to the ending of a customer relationship.

10. The forbiddance of direct marketing and the right to demand the correction of information
The registered person has the right to deny the processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing by contactin the contact person responsible for the register. The registered person also has the right to ask for correcting any incomplete or misinformation concerning his/her personal data. The controller is liable for correcting the data as soon as possible. The request for correcting the data needs to be sent to the contact person of the register.

11. Principles for protecting the register
All personal data is stored confidentially in the customer information and customer service systems. The access rights to the systems are given only to those employees who need this personal data for performing work tasks. The system requires a login with a personal username. The information network of the controller and its information technology partners, if any, and the equipment where the register is located are protected with a firewall and by other necessary technical measures.

Read also our cookie notice.

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